Stage-billede Microscope-Probe

DermaScope Camera Probe

Handheld digital skin microscope with polarised/non-polarised light source

When you need to see skin in detail

See the smallest details – crystal clear

Where you need to see the smallest details of the skin, the magnification delivered by the DermaScope Camera Probe is the tool you can trust.

The DermaScope Camera is a skin microscope that allows you to zoom in and out on your point of interest. This provides you with valuable information about the condition of the skin surface, and it brings you strong documentation before and after your treatment of the skin.

Easy to use handheld skin microscope

The DermaScope Camera Probe is a high-quality handheld digital microscope with polarised light source. 

The probe makes use of both light and magnification to visualize the skin in detail. In this way the outer layer of the skin is visualized in detail, so you can see elements that are not visible to the naked eye. 

The DermaScope Camera Probe offers 1.3 Mpixel, three-level variable magnification and polarised/non-polarised light.

The probe is available for the DermaLab Combo.

Watch how to use the DermaScope Camera

Dermascope Camera software

Software interface

View your the skin image you generate in the software interface.



Handheld digital microscope with polarised light source.


Digital image 1.3M pixels (SXGA)


~ 10x-50x




8 x white LED

Single hand operation including adjustment of magnification

Selection between diffused and polarised light source

Get more info! Book a demo!

Lone Jager Lindquist

Don't hesitate to acquire prices, ask for detailed information, or book a demonstration.

Lone Jager Lindquist

CEO and Responsible for skin analysis instruments


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If your country does not have a local distributor, you are welcome to contact us directly.

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